Vampire YA Book recommendations

Jessica's Goodreads page

Vampire Books: As I rule I always say that "I Don't Like Vampire books". However I find that A LOT of really wonderful authors have indeed written wonderful Vampire novels so it is with great dismay that I write a list of my favorite Vampire Novels:

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead I was SO reluctant to read this series. It actually sat on my to-read list for about 3 years...I was patiently awaiting for August this year when I had so many follow up books coming out I could barely contain myself. After reading the reviews and seeing the ratings on Goodreads I decided to put my aversion to vampires and give it a go...and boy was I surprised. Richelle Mead quickly lured me in with her wittyness and solid storylines. I gobbled this series up in less than a week and decided that I needed to try one of her other series. I chose bloodlines not knowing that it too was in the Vampire academy Universe...I know where have I been?? Seriously amazing and now I wait for the fourth book in that series to come out and as patiently as possible wait for Valentine's Day for their debut movie...sorry honey we will not be celebrating this year I have a movie to go to!
 (There are six books in this series: Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise, Spirit Bound, & Last Sacrifice.) There is also a spin-off series:
 Bloodlines (There will be 6 books in this series so far only 3 are published with the 4th one coming out in Nov. 2013: Blood Lines, Indigo Spell, Golden Lily, Firey Heart).

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer   I admit I was late to the twilight party and thoroughly disappointing with movie #5. That being said it wouldn't be a vampire book list without the wonderful Twilight series. It is very well written and creates an amazing new world. (4 Books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn).

Insatiable by Meg Cabot  Okay so I am a HUGE Meg Cabot FAN. Let's face it everything I have read of hers is gold. This is no exception to the rule. There are 2 books in this series with a possibility of a third. One thing I love about Meg is she never quits on a series...just when you think it is over she delights all of her fans with another book. So I will keep my fingers crossed that she eventually writes a third book in this series, however the end to the second book was both shocking and amazing so either way I love it. ( 2 books: Insatiable and Overbite)

House of Night by P.C. Cast & Kristen Cast    P.C. Cast is an amazing writer and it is because of her that I really started to read Romance Novels. She broke into the YA scene in 2007 with her first HON book about a Vampire finishing school. I have always felt like this series was the perfect mix of Twilight and Harry Potter. A school for vampires with magic...what could be better? Now I do admit that the last book wasn't my favorite and I know a lot of the fan base feels like the series has been really strung out, but for the most part I feel this series is SOLID. (12 books to be published plus 4 novellas the final book and final novella are to be published in 2014: Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted, Tempted, Burned, Awakened, Destined, Hidden, Revealed, & Redeemed. Novellas: Dragon's Oath, Lenobia's Vow, Neferet's Curse, Kalona's Fall)

Evernight by Claudia Gray  The Evernight series is a unique one. Claudia Grey has a great story telling voice. The series is full of twists and turns, ghosts and you guessed it...Vampires.
(4 Books plus a novella: Evernight, Stargazer, Hourglass, Afterlife. Balthazar (nov.) )

Now some of these series are certainly better than others for more info on ratings check out my good reads page.

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